Since its inception in 1995 Kalfayan Galleries have been a pioneer in the expansion of the contemporary art scene in Greece.

With a particular focus on Greece, the Balkans and the MENAM region, the gallery's roster reflects the unique character of acting as a bridge between Eastern and Western visual culture. The gallery has established a strong international profile globally through a broad spectrum of projects, participations in art fairs and collaborations with galleries, museums, art institutions, curators and artists.

Kalfayan Galleries are committed to supporting an ongoing intellectual and visual dialogue with emerging and established artists working in a variety of media. Furthermore, a fundamental aspect of the gallery's exhibition program since the beginning is the presentation of the development of art in Greece. The gallery has produced historically researched exhibitions on post-war Greek art and represents the Estates of some of the most important artists of the post-war period.

It is this creative interchange between contemporary and post-war art that distinguishes the gallery's philosophy and therefore its contribution to artistic research and discourse. Moreover, at the core of the gallery's objective is the aspiration to serve as a platform of inspiration through collective exchanges and projects.

Gallery artists have been featured in numerous internationally acclaimed exhibitions such as the Venice Biennale, Venice Biennale of Architecture, Sharjah Biennale, Istanbul Biennial, Gwuangju Biennale, Thessaloniki Biennale of Contemporary Art, Athens Biennale, Asia Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art, Tampere Triennale among many others. The gallery and represented artists have collaborated with prominent museums and art institutions such as TATE Modern (London), The Drawing Center (New York), The New Museum (New York), Platform Garanti / SALT (Istanbul), Mori Museum (Tokyo), Castello di Rivoli (Turin), Singapore Art Museum, Kunsthalle Wien, Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Modena, Darat al Funun - The Khalid Shoman Foundation (Amman), Benaki Museum (Athens), among many others.