Matteo Montani

“Il Guardiano della Soglia” (“The Caretaker of the Threshold”)

19 October - 27 November 2010

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Matteo Montani
Epitaph (gia anelito), 2010
oil and sandpaper mounted on canvas
94 x 152 cm

Matteo Montani
Words on the Mountain BW18, 2009
oil and sandpaper mounted on canvas
94 x 152 cm

Matteo Montani
Natural Unfolding, 2009
oil on sandpaper mounted on canvas
188 x 305 cm


Matteo Montani
Quartet for the end of the time, 2010
oil on four sheets of sandpaper
735 x 94 each

Matteo Montani
Words on mountain BW29, 2009
oil and sandpaper mounted on canvas
94 x 152 cm

Matteo Montani
Not in the sky neither on the heart, 2010
oil and sandpaper mounted on canvas
188 x 306 cm